Office Staff
Administrative Assistant
Diane Winegar
507-207-5998 (fax)
Clerical Assistant
DeeAnn Wacker
507-207-5998 (fax)
Ann Haggerty
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Washington Elementary School. As your Principal, I am eager to serve you, our students and staff at Washington Elementary School. As a new member of the Washington team, I look forward to getting to know all the students and families who make this such a great place to be.
We are committed to a culture of leadership and excellence. To support leadership development at Washington Elementary, we utilize the PAWS expectations to support a safe and respectful learning environment. The PAWS expected behaviors:
Provide respect * Act safely * Work hard * Show responsibility
are explicitly taught and modeled for students throughout the day by all staff. Additionally, we utilize The 7 Habits of Happy Kids to develop all students as leaders. The 7 Habits include:
1) Be Proactive
2) Begin with the End in Mind
3) Put First Things First
4) Think Win-Win
5) Seek First to Understand Then Be Understood
6) Synergize
7) Sharpen the Saw
Each of the habits are modeled by staff and integrated into the school experience at Washington Elementary. You will likely hear students using the language and see the habits at work through leadership learning experiences. It is our desire to see every student learning every day through teacher led activities, collaboration, student exploration, independent work time, and play. We look forward to working with you to create a positive and caring environment where every student is learning every day.
Please call 507-345-3059 or send an email to if you have questions, ideas for improvement, an interest in volunteering, or specific concerns. Thank you for your ongoing support of our work!
Ann Haggerty
Washington Elementary